Design Question 1-If evidence shows the existing building SFRS is ductile, how to determine the RdRo?
After the seismic loading condition of existing building is changed, to evaluate existing building, determine the design objective and seismic load, engineers have to collect the as-built
information and field verify existing building characteristics. No as-built information, seismic retrofit calculation is impossible, only prescriptive seismic retrofit design is possible.
The existing building SFRS ductility level may be found from
the old drawings, design notes etc. of existing building. If ductility level is not addressed clearly in old drawings, a try-and-error calculation and detail review may help you to figure it out.
Typically very old existing buildings were designed with low ductility, assuming them belong to conventional construction may be acceptable. , i.e. RdR0=1.5*1.3=2(timber structure is excepted.) ,
nevertheless, engineer review to verify ductility level can not be omitted. When a new SFRS is added to an existing SFRS, according to the code, for combinations of different types of SFRS acting
in the same direction in the same storey, RdRo shall be taken as the lowest value of RdRo corresponding to these systems, therefore, the RdRo of new added SFRS shall be equal to or lower
than that of existing SFRS. After retrofit solution is incorporated, where a building is altered,rehabilitated,renovated or repaired, or there is a change in occupancy,
the level of life safety and building performance shall not be decreased below a level that already exist(NBC
Design Question 2- After the retrofit solution is incorporated, to determine the seismic load, engineers may assume the retrofitted SFRS belongs to conventional construction, i.e. RdRo=2. If retrofit objective is to retrofit the existing SFRS ductile, then how would you determine the RdRo?
Refer to answer of Question 1
Design Question 3-Why BESI does not use viscous damper?
Design Question 4-"In the USA why new buildings seismic design and existing buildings seismic retrofit design use different code, FEMA 450 and ASCE41-06?
Design Question 5-comparison between Canadian seismic design code system and American seismic design code system